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How to Create Affordable Website Design Packages

Online presence in the digital world has become an essential part of the marketing/branding mix. Business owners are starting to realize that the success of any brand and product depends in huge part on its visibility in the digital arena.

This is where the concept of tailored website design packages comes into the equation. Packages clarify what your design company has to offer its clients, in turn identifying who your ideal client is, and what services can be provided for each project. Setting up packages that accurately fit client needs, makes it easier to handle and land projects that you would enjoy pursuing.

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Benefits of Offering Affordable Website Design Packages

Before we dive into how affordable website design packages are created, it’s important to be well-informed as to why you should package your services in the first place.

Having web design packages in your offerings can differentiate you from your competitors in the following ways:

Go from Abstract to Concrete

Offering packages provides customers with a physical and specific item that they can easily understand. Even having a small variety of two or three packages allows them to have choices that they can compare directly, providing a point of comparison to help them make their decision.

In practical terms, it gives potential customers the chance to choose a particular package and say, "I would like to have this!"

Tell a story

Your packages are a vital element in the narrative you present to your clients. When thoughtfully crafted and organized, they can effectively pinpoint the specific challenges your clients face and establish you as the ideal solution provider, helping you build a strong reputation as a trusted expert in your field.

Using a package, you can:

  • Showcase your company’s skills
  • Identify and entice your ideal clients
  • Address the pressing concerns and aspirations of your target clients.
  • Demonstrate the importance of your service offering in helping clients achieve their business objectives.

Everyone likes Options

Providing multiple package options will allow you to cater to various clients' needs and preferences, enabling them to select the best fit for their business objectives.

Clearly defining each package would simplify the decision-making process, encouraging potential clients to take prompt action and collaborate with you.

Web Design Sigma has an astounding 5 options readily available to satisfy every clients’ individual needs. Additionally, the packages vary based on the different categories of services offered.

So whether it’s an individual looking to launch their website, or a corporate client, Web Design Sigma has got its clients covered.

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Designing Affordable Website Design Packages: A Step-by-Step Guide

In order to expand your web design offerings, the first step is to design bundles that provide advantageous results for the objectives of your potential customers.

For example, if your intended clients are online retail businesses, you should structure your services around product presentation and store establishment.

Alternatively, if your ideal clients are advisors, your bundles should emphasize the creation of pages and intricate design techniques.

Discussed below, the following should be taken into consideration when creating packages:

Psychology and Packages

Improve your package mix and help potential clients avoid overwhelming decisions by providing a minimum three different levels of packages. You can make adjustments as and when needed in the future.

Clients tend to opt for the second tier package most frequently. Therefore, it's crucial to design your packages with the aim of successfully securing bookings for the second tier.

To create your packages, begin by designing the middle-tier package first. Next, remove a couple of services to create a smaller package, and then add a couple of services to form the larger package.

The Importance of Naming Conventions

Packages can be distinguished by using terms like ‘starter’, ‘standard’, ‘premium’, or ‘comprehensive’. Additionally, it is beneficial to specify target client groups, including consultants, healthcare practitioners, bloggers, eCommerce businesses, startups, and more, to emphasize which package aligns with their needs.

When you offer a service package with a name that aligns with their objectives, such as "the Premium eCommerce Launch Package" or "the Pro Startup Launch Package," you can create a stronger emotional connection with potential clients and help them envision a successful outcome.

Rely on naming standards that resonate with your target audience and make them think, "This is exactly what I've been searching for." Web Design Sigma has nailed the naming convention as they have clearly defined packages that cater to brands of all sizes and kinds.

Expand with add-ons

Once you have established two or three comprehensive bundles, you can additionally provide supplementary offers or enhancements to a customer who requires services that go beyond the limitations of their original package.

  • Acuity Scheduling

    Implement a comprehensive appointment scheduling system using Acuity Scheduling to streamline your online booking process.
  • Email Campaigning

    Utilize Email Campaigns to generate campaigns, which encompass automated emails as well as templates for your client's newsletters.
  • ECommerce features

    Configure enhanced shipping choices, send automated emails for abandoned carts, and provide additional benefits to customers who offer goods or services.
  • Member Sites

    Create a secure, exclusive online space for your client's audience by developing customized pages, adding relevant content, and crafting visually appealing email templates.
  • Copywriting

    Enhance your worth by incorporating copywriting into your range of service offerings.
  • Graphic design

    Provide additional assistance in design, including the creation of printed promotional materials.
  • SEO services

    Enhancing your client's website for search engine visibility is a crucial step in making sure it can be easily discovered by search engines.

The essentials

Some essential elements to not forget to include for each package when promoting on your website are:

  1. Package name
  2. Description and ideal audience
  3. Deliverables
  4. Price
  5. Directions for choosing a package

Value versus cost

Your client's investment in your services is the cost, but the true worth they'll receive from collaborating with you is the value.

Highlight the benefits and unique offerings of each package as you define them, rather than dwelling on their price.

The following are points of value to consider for each package:

  • Solutions-oriented

    By offering solutions to problems, you enhance the worth of your offerings. Clearly highlight the specific issues that each package resolves for your clientele, demonstrating the value they'll receive from investing in your products or services.
  • Simplification

    Make an intangible offering more concrete by emphasizing specific, tangible outcomes.
  • Distinction

    Clearly define and distinguish each package by highlighting the unique features and benefits they offer, allowing customers to make informed decisions and choose the package that best suits their needs.
  • Draw boundaries

    Clients may have a desire for a wide range of services, but their financial constraints limit them to selecting only a limited number. Packages enable them to carefully consider and distinguish between what is necessary and what is optional.
  • Upsells

    Providing a proactive disclosure of the inclusions and exclusions in your packages can prove advantageous for offering additional services to clients with specific needs in the future.
  • Choices

    Tailor your approach to each client's unique needs and financial constraints by offering a variety of options. This will enable you to cater to their individual requirements and preferences, ensuring the best possible outcome for their project.
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Example package

To give you a better understanding of what a tailored design package would look like, and what would be a suitable pitch for your clients at your preferred rate, I’ve put together an affordable website design package which will serve as an example for others.

Package name:

Website Launch Package


Ideal for startups, entrepreneurs, and individuals introducing a fresh Squarespace website, this package offers everything you need to establish a strong online presence.


  1. Build up to five website pages
  2. Up to two rounds of revisions
  3. Defining brand fonts and colors
  4. Live training session – 30 minutes
  5. Turnaround of three weeks
  6. Post-launch support for 30 days
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Wrapping up

Packaging your services has the ability to attract potential clients while also making your workflow more efficient and streamlined as a web designer.

If you're unsure how to begin, you can seek inspiration from previous projects or examine what your competitors are doing.

After that, concentrate on promoting and selling one package, making adjustments to its offerings, description, and pricing until you're prepared to introduce another.